Seeking a path out of crime and poverty for the youngest and most vulnerable of the Honduran population.

The following is the breakdown of material costs for each portion of the school construction.

  • A normal one-classroom school serves 30 students.
  • Approximate cost of the total construction for a one-classroom school including furnishings (chalkboard, desks for children and teacher, and bookcases and shelves) is $15,000.
  • Approximate cost for a two-classroom school is $25,000.
Materials for a One Classroom School US Dollars

Roof – including metal trusses & metal sheeting


Cement blocks for walls

Reinforcement rods for walls $800
Cement for foundation, floors, and mortar for blocks $1,500
Windows and doors $1,500
Bathroom fixtures and plumbing $1,200
Electrical supplies - meter, panel, wiring, receptacles, lights,  & fans $1,200
Painting – inside and out $500
Chalk board $200
Bookcases and shelves $150
Teacher desk $125
Small school desks for normal class size of 30 students/one per child $750/$25
School supplies for each child per school year $50

Share the journey with children of Honduras on the path out of crime and poverty. Support Friends of Honduras USA in the building of a school.
