Seeking a path out of crime and poverty for the youngest and most vulnerable of the Honduran population.

The school in the village of Las Americas replaces a rented 10' X 10' room, the back room of a home, where 35 kindergarteners had been gathering faithfully to begin their formal education. Over-crowding and many other hazards posed threats to the children's safety and seriously inhibited their learning experiences.

Their new school is the first to be constructed by Friends of Honduras USA using the new engineering, which is more economical, comfortable, and spacious. The construction begins with an igloo-type dome that is separated by flat wall panels on a secure foundation. All exterior walls are constructed of 4-inch styrofoam inside wire mesh and covered with a 1-inch layer of concrete inside and out. A corrugated tin roof covers the center section and porch. There is space in the rear for a bathroom and storage. Acoustics and insulation against the hot tropical sun are amazing.
